Small Business Security Solutions

Twitter Streamer

The Twitter Streamer is a Python application intended to notify cyber intelligence analysts of cyber threats found on Twitter, that target specific organizations.


Twitter Streamer

The Twitter Streamer is a Python application intended to notify cyber intelligence analysts of cyber threats found on Twitter, that target specific organizations.

The application detects threats through keyword, domain, and Twitter accounts monitoring via the Twitter API. After a public threat is posted to Twitter, an automated email notification containing details of the post and the affiliated cyber threat actor is delivered to a specified recipient. These details include the platform the Tweet was created with, the unique account ID associated with the actor (which can be used to track down and actor if their screen name changes), geolocation of the tweet if available, and much more. Further analytics may be available depending on the configuration of the application.

If you are interested in downloading the Twitter Streamer for your own use, or contributing to the Twitter Streamer project, you can visit the project on GitHub here.

Need help or have general questions about the project? Join us on Slack!

Project Contributors:

Chris Cooley | CCI Co-Founder

Phil Langlois | CCI Co-Founder

Twitter Streamer Logic